Management (M.Sc.)


The Management programme at Trinity College Dublin is designed for non-business graduates and will equip you with the management skills necessary to succeed in today’s globalised business environment.

Quick Facts

Duration: 1 year full-time
Starting in: September
Tuition Fee: €15,250 (EU) / €20,500 (Non-EU)
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Management programme at Trinity College Dublin covers all the key facets of management, from managing people to finance to strategic planning and operations.

Our academic team bring a wealth of knowledge and experience across a range of sectors, providing a truly global perspective. Through practical learning, simulations, debates, case studies and guest speakers, students will learn to analyse real business issues. The programme also focuses on negotiation and leadership to help students manage conflict and develop their leadership style.


Students in the Management programme at Trinity College Dublin are in high demand after graduation. Because of the diverse backgrounds of the class, our graduates gain employment across a number of industries including social media, consulting, financial services, operations, pharmaceuticals, transport, travel, education and government, sales & marketing and social enterprise. As well as the big multi-national companies, many of our graduates find their niche in smaller organisations, start-ups ups and social enterprises.

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What our students say

“The MSc programme opened my eyes to the world of international business and is an incredible program to augment any undergraduate degree. After completing the course, I found myself wondering how on earth I didn’t know and understand all of this before – business is the backbone of every aspect of our lives. I would highly recommend this programme to anyone looking to change direction and open their horizons.”

Kathryn Ganser

MSc in Management Graduate

Why study with us?

Vibrant Location

Trinity Business School sits right at the heart of business. Dublin is a thriving capital city and one of the most dynamic technology and business hubs in Europe. Global finance, tech, agricultural and pharmaceutical multinationals, and the energetic start-ups based in Silicon Docks are only minutes away. Many of these contribute to our programmes and global business network.

International Dimension

Trinity attracts academics and students from across the globe and the international mix of people in the Business School makes for a dynamic and exciting learning environment where we learn from each other and cultivate alternative perspectives on global management.  All courses on the programme are taught in English, but students whose first language is not English can avail of Trinity’s extensive language learning facilities.

World Class Educators

Students work with experienced academics, practitioners, consultants, board members and executives who have distinguished themselves in their careers. We believe in evolving close relationships with our students, and thinking about each student’s unique background, talent and vision of their future.